The Sault Ste. Marie Museum offers a four-session homeschool program!
Classes are currently running! If you missed the sign-up period for this session, please fill out the form below to get on our waiting list!
Next session runs: Date to be determined.
1st session: Looking at the skylight gallery, reviewing our section on Indigenous groups pre-contact, and into the fur trade. This is connected to the study of intercultural relationships, which is a major portion of Ontario's elementary Social Studies curriculum.
2nd session: Focus on the industry section in the Skylight Gallery. Discussion points are the lumber mill, the railway, steel. This session will also cover technologies used by Indigenous groups in Sault Ste. Marie (snow shoes, canoes etc), connecting back to Ontario's Science and Technology curriculum.
3rd session: Paper making activity, providing a hands-on component connected to the Science and Technology component.
4th session: Printmaking, tying into both the Science and Technology portion of the Ontario curriculum as well as the Social Studies portion.
Each session is approximately an hour long, held once a week over the span of four weeks.
The total cost for each student with all sessions included would be $35. These classes are capped at 18 students for ages 6 to 14. Parents do not need to attend, but are welcome to join in.
Please fill out the contact form below to register for the next upcoming session or to inquire about booking your homeschool group at the Sault Museum!